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UI Layout & Wireframes

I am detail-oriented, which makes wireframes and UI layout super fun for me. I could tweak them all day, and I find it meditative. Wireframing appeals to me similarly to pushing and pulling vertices while 3D modeling and/or creating animations.


Below are some examples and highlights of my UI work.


One of my favorite types of user interface designs involves an animated swipe to reveal a new menu. Similar to how Tinder and Instagram have integrated the features, I worked on UI designs that use swipe controls to reveal menu options.


Here is an example from the "Social" section of the proprietary mobile game, Soulstone Heroes, which features a "Friends Tab" that is opened and closed by swiping right - left from the side. The tab reveals a menu of friends who are "online," or actively playing the game. It also features an accordion button on the lower left to choose between chat windows


Here is an example of a menu that is revealed by swiping up. In this case, the UI that is revealed is a part of the main menu of the game, which is an interactive frame that appears on every screen of the mobile game interface.


An icon acts as the tool through which the swiping action is made possible.


After user research was conducted, later iterations of the game did away with this swiping feature, since results concluded that the swiping action was confusing and difficult to control.

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